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Is that SAFe to scale IT ?

06 lutego 2023

Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe®), Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS®), Disciplined Agile Delivery (DAD®), and Nexus® are among the most widely used scalable agile frameworks. These frameworks have been developed to address the challenges of managing and executing complex software development projects in a rapidly changing business environment. While each framework has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, they all provide a flexible and scalable structure for organizations to manage and execute projects effectively.


SAFe is a comprehensive framework that provides a flexible and scalable structure for organizations to manage and execute complex software development projects. It is designed to be easily adopted by teams of any size and provides a clear set of guidelines and best practices for agile development. SAFe is well known for its ability to facilitate collaboration between cross-functional teams and its focus on DevOps practices, which help teams to work together more effectively.


LeSS is a scalable extension of the Scrum framework that is designed for organizations with two to eight scrum teams. Like SAFe, it provides a clear set of guidelines and best practices for agile development and is designed to be flexible and scalable. One of the key strengths of LeSS is its ability to manage large and complex projects, as well as its focus on transparency and inspection, which helps teams to identify and resolve issues quickly.


DAD is a hybrid framework that combines agile and traditional project management approaches. It provides a flexible and scalable structure for organizations to manage and execute complex software development projects and offers a number of best practices and tools to help teams improve their processes. One of the key strengths of DAD is its focus on governance, which helps organizations to manage risk and ensure that projects are delivered on time and within budget.


Nexus is a scaled framework that is based on Scrum and provides a flexible and scalable structure for organizations to manage and execute complex software development projects. It is designed to be easily adopted by teams of any size and provides a clear set of guidelines and best practices for agile development. One of the key strengths of Nexus is its ability to manage large and complex projects, as well as its focus on transparency and inspection, which helps teams to identify and resolve issues quickly.


In conclusion, each of these scalable agile frameworks has its own unique strengths and weaknesses, and the choice of framework depends on the specific needs and requirements of the organization. SAFe is a comprehensive framework that is ideal for organizations looking to improve collaboration and teamwork, while LeSS and Nexus are well suited for large and complex projects. DAD is a hybrid framework that is ideal for organizations looking to balance agility and governance and manage risk effectively. Ultimately, the choice of framework should be based on the specific needs and requirements of the organization and should be made in consultation with an experienced agile coach or consultant.